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Postdoc Opportunities

The Gavis Lab is seeking motivated post-doctoral candidates who are interested in working at the interface of RNA biology and developmental biology. We study post-transcriptional mechanisms that spatially control gene expression during development. Research opportunities are available to investigate the assembly of ribonucleoprotein granules and how they regulate the localization, translation, and stability of mRNAs for Drosophila germ cell and neuronal development. Approaches include high resolution microscopy, biochemistry, and genome level analyses, supported by the power of Drosophila genetics. To learn more about our research see our recent publications.

Candidates with background in computational biology are especially encouraged to apply.

Please submit a CV, a cover letter describing research interests, and contact information of three references to Liz Gavis.


Gavis Lab
Department of Molecular Biology
401 Schultz Lab
Washington Road
Princeton, NJ 08544

p 609-258-1770
f 609-258-1343

Faculty Assistant
Matthew Montondo
[email protected]
319 Schultz Laboratory
p 609-258-2664